Providing a fun and therapeutic virtual reality (VR) experience for patients ActivationsCommunityEventsVirtual Reality Providing a fun and therapeutic virtual reality (VR) experience for patients
Beyond the Fax: PatientVR’s Role in Modern Palliative Care CommunityEventsVirtual Reality Beyond the Fax: PatientVR’s Role in Modern Palliative Care
PatientVR ready to try Meta’s new MetaQuest 3S VR headset HeadsetsVirtual Reality PatientVR ready to try Meta’s new MetaQuest 3S VR headset
PatientVR Showcases VR for Healthcare at Rotary Club of Lower Blue Mountains CommunityEventsPatientVRUncategorized PatientVR Showcases VR for Healthcare at Rotary Club of Lower Blue Mountains
PatientVR wows audience with virtual reality at Our Community Cares event CommunityEvents PatientVR wows audience with virtual reality at Our Community Cares event
Metro South Health Logan Hospital Palliative Care QLD joins PatientVR ActivationsMobiddictionPatientVRVirtual Reality Metro South Health Logan Hospital Palliative Care QLD joins PatientVR
PatientVR Supports Friends of Palliative Care CommunityEventsPatientVR PatientVR Supports Friends of Palliative Care
Gamified intervention using Virtual Reality to help with distraction PatientVR Gamified intervention using Virtual Reality to help with distraction