Supported by the NSW Health for the first virtual reality trial at the Nepean Hospital, our Patient VR trials have been featured in media outlets like SBS, highlighting its impact on palliative care patients. For more information, visit: NSW Health Palliative Care Patients Set to Explore World Through Virtual Reality and SBS – Virtual Reality Helps Fulfill Last Wish for Dying Patients.

Vital feedback from real world use
When presenting our Patient VR tool to audiences comprising doctors, health professionals, and volunteers at various events, including the NSW Palliative Care Volunteer Conference at RSL Anzac Village in Narrabeen, we received great support. Additionally, we showcased the program at Oceanic Palliative Care Conference (OPCC), engaging with medical professionals and volunteers to demonstrate its capabilities. Currently, we are in discussions with approximately 15 hospitals nationwide, with a few hospitals already committed to participating in the patient VR trials. Our team also presented this tool at privately held fundraising activities and events for Our Community Cares, who graciously donated headsets to Nepean Hospital for the trials.