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We use a gamified intervention approach to help as a positive distraction for patient.

As many of our users know, the INTERACT library is a key differentiator for PatientVR. Our platform goes beyond simple VR experiences like walking through parks or forests. The INTERACT library in PatientVR is continuously expanding, incorporating new features developed with direct feedback from the healthcare industry. This feedback comes from various sources, including events, in-person demos, and any opportunity we get to present our PatientVR toolset. We actively participate in community events such as local RSL clubs, charity fundraisers, community organisations, and healthcare events.


Our library of INTERACT emphasises simplicity in the user experience, ensuring that virtual reality is not overwhelming for patients.


Our latest INTERACT features introduce a variety of gamified interventions, each designed with specific purposes and suitability for the end-user patient in mind. Our team conducts thorough research, designs the interactions, and creates detailed storyboards before implementing any new features. We also conduct extensive user testing and organise feedback sessions. Our engineers closely monitor even the slightest changes in behavior when users interact with the PatientVR app on MetaQuest headsets, ensuring that we can make timely updates and improvements based on user feedback and actual usage patterns.


PatientVR Interact VR uses head tracking and is a hands free VR app for patients to useSo,

Here are a few of our newest INTERACT features in PatientVR:



  • Hands-free with head tracking
  • Ideal for patients with limited mobility; can be used sitting or standing.
  • Utilises head tracking only, with no hand interaction required.
  • Features subtle sounds and animations that prompt users to turn their heads slowly left or right to gaze at martians and shoot them down.
  • Low-intensity gameplay set in a stunning 3D celestial space environment.



  • Hands-free, with head tracking and movement
  • Suitable for both young and old users.
  • Set in a Great Barrier Reef-like underwater environment.
  • Users move their heads to look around, and when they lock their view on a fish or object, the species is highlighted on the screen.

We are actively developing more immersive activities that patients can use from their hospital beds, home care settings, or even sitting down on a chair. Our design philosophy emphasises simplicity in the user experience, ensuring that virtual reality is not overwhelming for patients.

Stay tuned for many more exciting activities on PatientVR.

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